16 October 2008

Tagging along...

Random bits of me, straight ahead. Mind the bumps.

I suppose that this saves you all from a compilation of my favorite Chuck Norris facts.

Here are the rules:
1.Post the rules on your blog
2.Write 6 random things about yourself
3.Tag 6 people at the end of your post
4.If you are tagged, just do it, and pass the tag along!

1. In 1990-91, I had the pleasure to finish out high school in St. Andrews Scotland. This random fact is not really about Scotland, or high school.

Since that time, every time I've gone to give blood, my donation has been politely turned down. When I ask why, I'm told that it's because I've been exposed to Mad Cow Disease.

I'm not terribly put off by this, as I have a natural squeamishness about having a pint or so of MY blood sucked out of my body. But I do on occasion wonder about all those really tasty meat pies and sausages I ate in Scotland. Was one of them carrying those nasty little prions?

2. My wife used to have a total cow fetish. Well, maybe it wasn't so much a cow fetish as some as yet unexplained cow paraphernalia attraction field. The way I understand it, she thought cows were pretty neat at one point, but at some point, she no longer sought out bovine knick knacks. Given her fairly widely known cow fancies, it took some time for people to get the hint that she no longer desired cute little cow-themed gifts.

Now here's the thing. I have started to acquire cow stuff. It started off innocently enough: Chik-Fil-A calendars, cow screen-savers, playing "HEY COW!!" from a moving car, responding to perplexing questions with a soulful moo... Though now I've started to receive the knick-knacks. For instance, I have a stunningly rendered resin cow that adorned my office birthday cake this year, and now guards the stack of unfiled papers on my desk.


3. Skaggs has a cow story, which is kinda weird.

4. I wanna be a farmer. If I believed in reincarnation, I'd say that I was a farmer in my last life. I've really felt the lack of having a garden the last 2 summers that we've been in an apartment. The sense of satisfaction I get from tilling and preparing the soil and figuring out how I'm going to water it all is quite unlike any flavor of satisfaction I've ever tasted.

My daydreams often include gardens and orchards. I long for the pumpkin patch I'll have one day. When I'm really given over to a full-blown farmer fantasy, I've found a spring on a hillside, and I've dug out a terraced rice patty, complete with carp.

5. I'm becoming more and more convinced that population centers are bad. Not overtly out to get me, but certainly not healthy either. I am increasingly aware that I would like to be far away from population centers, and as self sufficient as I can be.

Now don't get me wrong, our level of technological sophistication, our economy (despite it's current woes), our government is still the best thing going... but it's not good for me.

Besides, when the zombie apocalypse comes, a city is the last place you want to be.

6.I think that I've always had a little tiny Luddite in me that wants to get out. Usually I just strap him into his little Clockwork Orange chair and turn on the Interweb.

I can't forget that he's there though... strapped pitifully into his chair.

My chances of actually being a Luddite are very slim, especially given that I'm a web developer.

Still, so I don't feel like an inhuman monster for keeping him confined, I'll heed him this once, therefore I must decline all your Facebook invitations.

Tagged by:

My wife

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